Othello syndrome

O·thel·lo syn·drome

a delusional belief in the infidelity of one's spouse. [Othello, Shakespearean character]
A delusion of spousal infidelity, a form of psychotic paranoia that is primary or, more commonly, a symptom of organic ‘psychopathies’—senile dementia, boxer encephalopathy, alcoholism

Othello syndrome

Erotic jealousy, alcoholic paranoia Psychiatry A delusion of spousal infidelity, a form of psychotic paranoia that is primary or more commonly, a symptom of organic 'psychopathies'–senile dementia, boxer encephalopathy, alcoholism


one of Shakespeare's characters. Othello syndrome - delusions of infidelity of one's sexual partner; onset usually in 4th decade of life; may be a feature of depressive psychosis, epilepsy, or alcoholism. Synonym(s): erotic jealousy