Acronym | Definition |
OTG➣On-the-Go |
OTG➣On-The-Go (USB 2.0 specification) |
OTG➣Of the Guild (gaming) |
OTG➣Outside the Gates |
OTG➣Olive Tree Genealogy (est. 1996) |
OTG➣One Touch Gold (grill) |
OTG➣Outside Temperature Gauge (vehicle feature) |
OTG➣Own the Game (sports) |
OTG➣On the Ground (sales) |
OTG➣OverTheGun (YouTube personality) |
OTG➣on the Go |
OTG➣Oracle Transparent Gateway |
OTG➣Outside Temperature Gauge |
OTG➣Off the Ground (gaming) |
OTG➣Over the Glasses (goggle type) |
OTG➣On The Green |
OTG➣Off the Grid |
OTG➣Of the Gods |
OTG➣Oficina de Treball de la Generalitat (Catalonia) |
OTG➣ |
OTG➣Oh Thank God |
OTG➣Online Travel Group (various locations) |
OTG➣On The Grid |
OTG➣Operations and Technology Group (Microsoft) |
OTG➣Organic Trade Group |
OTG➣One True God |
OTG➣Old Timers Guild |
OTG➣Operational Target Graphic (US DoD) |
OTG➣Odense Tekniske Gymnasium (Danish: Odense Technical College; Odense, Denmark) |
OTG➣Oxford Theatre Guild (est. 1955; UK) |
OTG➣Older Than God |
OTG➣Originating Trunk Group |
OTG➣Onward to Golgotha (Incantation album) |
OTG➣Officer Training Group |
OTG➣Oven Toast(er) Grill |
OTG➣Operations Tactics Group |
OTG➣Operational Tactics Guide |
OTG➣Output Transfer Gate (computing) |
OTG➣Optimal Treatment Guidelines |
OTG➣OTH (Over-the-Horizon) Targeting Gold (message format) |
OTG➣Our Technical Guys, Ltd. (est. 2008; UK) |
OTG➣Original Tool Gangster |
OTG➣OilTechnoGroup LLC (Occidental Resources, Inc.; Salt Lake City, UT) |