Acronym | Definition |
OGS➣One Glass Solution (touchscreen technology) |
OGS➣Oxford Graduate School (Dayton, TN) |
OGS➣Office of General Services (New York State) |
OGS➣Oppa Gangnam Style (music) |
OGS➣OpenGeoSys (open source software) |
OGS➣Ontario Genealogical Society |
OGS➣Office of Graduate Studies |
OGS➣Ohio Genealogical Society |
OGS➣Otomatik Geçis Sistemi (Turkish: Automatic Transit System) |
OGS➣Oxford Guide to Style (UK) |
OGS➣Oxygen Generation System (US NASA) |
OGS➣Oorlogsgravenstichting (Dutch) |
OGS➣Ontario Graduate Scholarship |
OGS➣Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (Italian) |
OGS➣Organic Guarantee System (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) |
OGS➣Only Good Stuff |
OGS➣Ongoing Support |
OGS➣Ogdensburg, NY, USA (Airport Code) |
OGS➣Oratory of the Good Shepherd |
OGS➣Optical Guidance Systems (telescope retailer; Huntingdon Valley, PA) |
OGS➣Office of Government Services (Price Waterhouse) |
OGS➣Optional General Service (various companies) |
OGS➣Old Git Syndrome |
OGS➣Online Gaming Service |
OGS➣Oxford Gamelan Society (music; Oxford University, England, UK) |
OGS➣Overseas Ground Station |
OGS➣Okiden Global Systems (Japan) |
OGS➣National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics |
OGS➣Official Game Site |
OGS➣Ohio Gourd Society |
OGS➣Opitz-G Syndrome |
OGS➣Operator to General Support |
OGS➣Off-Gas System |
OGS➣Official Government Story |
OGS➣Outer Glide Slope |
OGS➣Oil & Gas Solutions (Houston, TX) |
OGS➣On Government Service |
OGS➣Oregon Geriatric Society |
OGS➣Oxford Go Society (England, UK) |