Niccolò Tommaseo
Tommaseo, Niccolò
(pen name of Niccolò Tomašić). Born Oct. 9, 1802, in Šibenik, Dalmatia; died May 1, 1874, in Florence. Italian writer, philologist, and political figure. Participant in the Risorgimento.
Tommaseo was educated in Padua. In 1848 he took part in the republican government of Venice. After the revolution was suppressed in 1849 he emigrated, returning to Italy in 1854. Tommaseo wrote the poetry collections Confessions (1836) and Poetic Reminiscences (1838) and the historical novel Faith and Beauty (1840). These works, permeated with patriotic and religious motifs, reflect a quest for moral perfection. Tommaseo also collected examples of folk poetry. Other works by Tommaseo include the philological studies Commentary to The Divine Comedy (1837) and Civil History in Literature (1872) and the Dictionary of the Italian Language (vols. 1–7, 1858–79). In addition, Tommaseo wrote studies on philosophy and education and memoirs.
Poesie eprose, vols. 1–2. Turin, 1966.REFERENCES
Poluiakhtova, I. K. Istoriia ital’ianskoi literatury XIX veka (epokha Risordzhimento). Moscow, 1970.Borlenghi, A. La poesia popolare italiana dell’800 e le raccolte del Tommaseo. Milan [1965].
Croce, B. “N. Tommaseo.” In La letteratura della nuova Italia, vol. 1. Bari, 1967.