Kármán, Theodore Von
Kármán, Theodore (Todor) von
(1881–1963) physicist, aeronautical engineer; born in Budapest, Hungary. While spending most of his early career at German educational institutions, he advised many governments and firms on issues of aerodynamics and applied mechanics. Having visited the U.S.A. on two occasions, he came again in 1930 to direct the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology; when the Nazis forced him to resign his post in Germany, he stayed in the U.S.A. and remained as the director until 1949. He was a founder of the Aerojet Engineering Corporation (1942), the RAND Corporation (1948), and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and gave direction to the early stages of the American rocket and space programs. He received the first National Medal of Science in 1963.Kármán, Theodore Von
Born May 11, 1881, in Budapest; died May 7, 1963, in Aachen. Scientist in mechanics.
Kármán studied at the Royal Technical University of Budapest from 1898 to 1902 and later at the University of Gottingen. He became a professor and director of the Aeronautics Institute of the University of Aachen in 1913. From 1930 to 1949 he was the director of the Guggenheim Aeronautics Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. Kármán’s works dealt with aircraft design, applied mathematics, the strength of materials, the theory of elasticity and plasticity, structural mechanics, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and thermodynamics. As a scientific leader he participated in the construction of many technical devices: aircraft, helicopters, rockets, and suspension bridges, as well as the first supersonic wind tunnels and ballistic installations. Kármán was a member of the Royal Society of London and other academies of science and scientific societies.
Collected Works, vols. 1–4. London. 1956.The Wind and Beyond: An Autobiography. Boston, 1967.