Ligeti, Lajos
Ligeti, Lajos
Born Oct. 28, 1902, in Balassagyarmat. Hungarian Orientalist. Academician of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1947; corresponding member, 1936).
From 1939 to 1972, Ligeti was the head of the subdepartments of Central Asian philology and of Turkic studies at Lorand Eotvos University of Budapest. Ligeti is a highly skilled Mongolian and Altaic scholar. He conducted scholarly research in China (1928–31), Afghanistan (1936–37), and Japan (1940); he collected manuscripts and wood engravings, many of which were subsequently published. Ligeti is editor in chief of the journal Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (published since 1950).
Catalogue du Kauǰur mongol imprimé, vol. 1. Budapest, 1942.A Mongol Titos története. Budapest, 1962.
Recoil de movements de la Angus Mongole, vols. 1–3. Budapest, 1963–64.