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kyphoscoliosis Translationskyphoscoliosis
kyphoscoliosis[¦kī·fō‚skō·lē′ō·səs] (medicine) Lateral curvature of the spine accompanied by rotation of the vertebrae. See kyphoscoliosiskyphoscoliosis
kyphoscoliosis [ki″fo-sko″le-o´sis] backward (kyphosis) and lateral (scoliosis) curvature of the spine, in vertebral osteochondrosis (Scheuermann's disease).ky·pho·sco·li·o·sis (kī'fō-skō'lē-ō'sis), Lateral and posterior curvature of the spine; severe cardiopulmonary compromise can be a late complication. Synonym(s): scoliokyphosis [G. kyphōsis, kyphosis, + scoliosis, curved] kyphoscoliosis Scoliosis A combination of kyphosis and scoliosis–lateral curving of the spineky·pho·sco·li·o·sis (kī'fō-skō-lē-ō'sis) Kyphosis combined with scoliosis; congestive heart failure is a late complication. [G. kyphōsis, kyphosis, + scoliosis, curved]kyphoscoliosis An abnormal degree of backward curvature of the dorsal spine (KYPHOSIS) combined with curvature to one side (SCOLIOSIS).KyphoscoliosisAbnormal front-to-back and side-to-side curvature of the spine.Mentioned in: Ehlers-Danlos Syndromeky·pho·sco·li·o·sis (kī'fō-skō-lē-ō'sis) Lateral and posterior curvature of spine. [G. kyphōsis, kyphosis, + scoliosis, curved] |