Luke, Gospel according to Saint

Luke, Gospel according to Saint,

third book of the New Testament. It was composed in the second half of the 1st cent. Since the 2d cent. it and the Acts of the Apostles have been ascribed to St. Luke; Acts is sometimes considered a sequel to the Gospel. Apparent sources for the Gospel are the Gospel of St. Mark and a hypothetical source containing material on which the Gospel of St. Matthew also drew. Traditions peculiar to Luke would account for the Gospel's infancy narrative and several parables—of the prodigal son, the good Samaritan, the unjust judge, and the rich man and Lazarus. Luke emphasizes that the era of the church makes Christian salvation available to all, Jews and Gentiles alike. The Gospel might be divided into the following sections: prologue addressed to one Theophilus; infancy and life of Jesus before his public career; his ministry in Galilee; travel narrative; ministry in Jerusalem; Christ's passion and resurrection.


See studies by N. Geldenhuys (1988) and C. A. Evans (1990).