Marry At, Frederick

Marry At, Frederick


Born July 10, 1792, in London; died Aug. 9, 1848, in Langham, Norfolk County. English writer.

Marryat was the son of a businessman and served in the navy from 1806 to 1830. His novels, such as Peter Simple (1834) and Mr. Midshipman Easy (1836), abound in descriptions of naval battles and life aboard ship. The novels Jacob Faithful (1834) and Snarley-Yow: or, the Dog Fiend (1837) display Marryat’s talent as a humorist and a portrayer of morals and manners. After a trip to the USA he published A Diary in America (1839), which contains a critique of the country’s political system. From the late 1830’s religious and mystical tendencies became dominant in Marryat’s work.


The Novels of Captain Marryat, vols. 1-24. Edited by R. Brimley Johnson. [London] 1896-98. Vols. 1-26, 1929-30.
In Russian translation:
Poln. sobr. soch. kapitana Marrieta, books 1-24. [St. Petersburg] 1912.
Michman Izi. Moscow-Leningrad, 1928.


Oliunin, R. “Frederik Marriet—moriak i pisatel’.” V mire knig, 1967, no. 5, p. 36.
Warner, O. Captain Marryat: A Rediscovery. [New York-Toronto] 1953.