mental nerve

men·tal nerve

[TA] a branch of the inferior alveolar nerve, arising in the mandibular canal and passing through the mental foramen to the chin and lower lip. Synonym(s): nervus mentalis [TA]

men·tal nerve

(men'tăl nĕrv) [TA] A branch of the inferior alveolar nerve, arising in the mandibular canal and passing through the mental foramen to the chin and lower lip.
Synonym(s): nervus mentalis [TA] .

mental nerve

A sensory nerve, the terminal branch of the inferior alveolar nerve. It runs in the mandibular canal, emerges through the mental foramen, and innervates the mucosa of the lower lip and the skin of the lower lip and chin. See also: nerve

men·tal nerve

(men'tăl nĕrv) [TA] Branch of inferior alveolar nerve, arising in mandibular canal and passing through mental foramen to chin and lower lip.