Luft potassium permanganate fixative

Luft po·tas·si·um per·man·ga·nate fix·a·tive

(lūft), a fixative useful in electron microscopy for cytologic preservation of lipoprotein complexes in membranes and myelin because of its oxidative properties.

Luft po·tas·si·um per·man·ga·nate fix·a·tive

(luft pŏ-tas'ē-ŭm pĕr-man'gă-nāt fiks'ă-tiv) A fixative useful in electron microscopy for cytologic preservation of lipoprotein complexes in membranes and myelin, because of its oxidative properties.


John H., U.S. histologist, 1927–. Luft potassium permanganate fixative - a fixative useful in electron microscopy for cytologic preservation of lipoprotein complexes in membranes and myelin, because of its oxidative properties.