Odessa Astronomical Observatory
Odessa Astronomical Observatory
a scientific research institute founded in 1871 as part of the E. Metchnikoff State University of Odessa.
Between 1881 and 1910, A. K. Kononovich performed a series of photometric studies at the observatory and conducted solar research (photographic determination of sunspot positions and observation of prominences). Between 1912 and 1934, A. Ia. Orlov organized an observation program using the transit circle for a study of celestial bodies, including the determination of their positions, investigation of the tides at a number of points on the Black Sea coast, and determination of the acceleration of gravity. Current projects at the Odessa Astronomical Observatory include the precise measurement of the position of stars, the systematic photographing of the sky, the study of variable stars and meteor phenomena, and the electrospectrophotometric observation of the stars.
The observatory’s principal instruments include five reflectors with mirror diameters of 50 (two), 47, 45, and 42 cm; an Argunov catadioptric telescope with a mirror diameter of 43 cm; and five refractors equipped with objectives that have diameters of 20 (three), 17, and 13 cm. In addition, the observatory’s principal instruments include a Schmidt camera, two meteor patrol systems, a seven-camera astrograph, and a transit circle. There are observation stations in the villages of Maiaki and Kryzhanovka.