


Born in the second half of the first century B.C.; died A.D. 37 in Ravenna. Leader of the Marcomanni.

Maroboduus came from a noble family. As a youth he lived in Rome and was educated at the court of Emperor Augustus. After the Marcomanni moved into the territory of present-day Bohemia (8 B.C.), Maroboduus united the Marcomanni with neighboring tribes and became head of a powerful confederation of tribes. He organized an army on the Roman model (70,000 infantrymen and 4,000 cavalrymen). In A.D. 17, Maroboduus’ army was beaten by Arminius, the leader of the Cherusci. In A.D. 19, Maroboduus was overthrown by the nobility and forced to seek refuge with the Romans.