Nashua River Rail Trail
Nashua River Rail Trail
Location:Runs through Ayer, Groton, Pepperell, and Dunstable, withaccess at Ayer Center, Groton Center, Groton Sand Hill Road, andDunstable at state line.
Facilities:Scenic overlooks, rest stops; drinking water at Groton Town Hall; non-flush public toilets at trailhead in Ayer.
Activities:Walking/hiking, bicycling, inline skating, horseback riding, cross-country skiing.
Special Features:Trail offers a 10-foot wide paved surface for the entire length, and a five-foot wide gravel equestrian path for seven miles of the trail from Groton Center to the New Hampshire boarder in Dunstable. The trail is universally accessible.
Address:595 Main St
Townsend, MA 01474
Size: 11 miles.
See other parks in Massachusetts.