Kuznetsov, Efrem
Kuznetsov, Efrem Aleksandrovich
Born Jan. 25 (Feb. 6), 1892, in Torzhok, in present-day Kalinin Oblast. Soviet geologist and petrologist. Doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences; professor (1939). Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1967).
Kuznetsov graduated from Moscow University in 1917. In 1921 he became a teacher at the Moscow Mining Academy. In 1930 he began to teach at the Moscow Institute of Geological Research and later at Moscow University, where between 1939 and 1963 he was head of the subdepartment of petrology. His main works are devoted to the geology and petrology of the middle Urals, especially their greenstone zone. Kuznetsov im-proved methods of representing chemical analyses and demonstrated the possibility of constructing a petrochemical diagram of rocks on the basis of quantitative mineralogical data. Kuznetsov has been awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Badge of Honor, and medals.
Geologiia zelenokamennoi polosy vostochnogo sklona Srednego Urala. Moscow-Leningrad, 1939.Petrografiia magmaticheskikh i metamorficheskikh porod. Moscow, 1956.
Rukovodstvo k opredeleniiu absoliutnogo vozrasta mineralov opticheskim putem. Moscow, 1971.