Kuzminskii, Pavel Dmitrievich
Kuz’minskii, Pavel Dmitrievich
Born June 20 (July 2), 1840; died Apr. 7 (20), 1900. Russian engineer and inventor. Graduated from the Naval Cadet School in St. Petersburg in 1864 and served with the Russian fleet until his retirement in 1884. Until 1894 he worked at the Baltiiskii Shipyard in St. Petersburg.
Kuz’minskii’s works were devoted to problems of the mechanics of ships, heat engineering, hydromechanics, and aerostatics. He developed a new type of ship’s hull, with a tetrahedral under-water portion. He proposed the use of coal dust as a fuel in boiler fireboxes (1865). In 1881–84 he invented a hydraulic dynamometer. In 1887–92 he designed a reversible radial-flow gas turbine with ten pressure stages. In 1893, together with N. F. Pashinin, he planned a uniflow boiler with forced circulation and a steam separator. Kuz’minskii was one of the founders of the aerostatics branch of the Russian Technical Society.