Nashe Ekho

Nashe Ekho


(Our Echo), a Bolshevik daily newspaper that was published legally in St. Petersburg from Mar. 25 (Apr. 7) through Apr. 10 (23), 1907. A total of 14 issues of Nashe ekho appeared. It was closed down by the tsarist government on April. 9 (22), and the last issue was published illegally. It was under the editorial direction of V. I. Lenin, assisted by V. V. Vorovskii and M. S. Ol’minskii. Ten articles by Lenin were published in Nashe ekho.


Lenin, V. I. Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 15.
Bol’shevislskaia periodicheskaia pechat’, 1900–1917. Moscow, 1964.