Acronym | Definition |
ORI➣Operational Readiness Inspection |
ORI➣Orientation |
ORI➣Office of Research Integrity (HHS) |
ORI➣Old Republic International Corporation (stock symbol) |
ORI➣Origin of Replication |
ORI➣Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales |
ORI➣Oriental Research Institute (India) |
ORI➣Open Source Research Institute |
ORI➣or Immediate |
ORI➣Operational Risk Index |
ORI➣Oregon Research Institute |
ORI➣Orthopaedic Research Institute (Wichita, KS) |
ORI➣Ocean Research Institute |
ORI➣Oncology Research Institute (various locations) |
ORI➣Originating Agency Identifier (nine-digit code used by agencies on the law enforcement network) |
ORI➣Orthorectified Radar Image |
ORI➣Octane Requirement Increase |
ORI➣Omnichannel Readiness Index |
ORI➣Open Rivers Initiative (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) |
ORI➣Online Retrieval Interface |
ORI➣Oxford Research International |
ORI➣Office of Research and Inventions (US Navy) |
ORI➣Official Records Index (Florida) |
ORI➣Open Ranks Inspection |
ORI➣Orbital Replacement Instrument |
ORI➣Open on Rise of Inlet (pressure valve) |
ORI➣Operator-Robot Interaction |
ORI➣Obesity Research Institute, LLC |
ORI➣Outdoor Restrooms Incorporated (Missouri) |
ORI➣Overhaul/Repair Instruction |