Kutkovetskii, Iakov

Kutkovetskii, Iakov Afanas’evich


Born Nov. 1 (14), 1907, in Kamenka; died March 23, 1971, in Kishinev. Soviet Moldavian writer. Member of the CPSU (1930).

Kutkovetskii took part in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45. His novella Fire! (1947) was devoted to the friendship of Soviet fighters of different nationalities. The essay Ian Soltys (1950) tells of a son of the Moldavian nation who repeated the heroic exploit of Aleksandr Matrosov. In the novella Dawn (1952), Kutkovetskii depicts the life of the Moldavian village during the period of collectivization. Events in the novella Stream (1961) take place in a Moldavian village on the eve of the Great October Revolution of 1917. Kutkovetskii was awarded two orders and a number of medals.


In Russian translation:
Raskaty Oktiabria. Kishinev, 1959.
Rasskazy. Kishinev, 1959.


Ocherk istorii moldavskoi sovetskoi literatury. Moscow, 1963.