Kutateli, Aleksandr

Kutateli, Aleksandr Nikolaevich


(pseudonym of A. N. Kutateladze). Born Aug. 25 (Sept. 6), 1898, in Kutaisi. Soviet Georgian writer.

Kutateli studied in the department of Georgian literature at the University of Tbilisi from 1920 to 1925. His first published work was the drama Khirse the Snake (1924). He wrote two books of poetry (1937 and 1941) and a collection of short stories, The Fighters (1942). His major work is the novel tetralogy Face to Face (books 1–4, 1933–52; new Russian-language version, books 1–4, 1957–58), which depicts the struggle of the Georgian people to overthrow the counterrevolutionary government of the Mensheviks and to bring about the victory of the socialist revolution. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and medals.


Kut’at’eli, A. Leksebi. Tbilisi, 1937.
Leksebi. Tbilisi, 1941.
Abesalom da eteri. Tbilisi, 1959.
Birisbir: Romani, books 1–4. Tbilisi, 1967.
T’xzsulebani 4 tomag, Vol. 1 —. Tbilisi, 1970.


Natroshvili, G. “Litso epokhi.” Druzhba narodov, 1962, no. 4.