释义 |
Luck, Good Luck, Goodalbatrossits presence portends good luck. [Br. Lit.: “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” in Norton, 597–610]batsymbol of good fortune; bat flesh imparts felicity. [Eastern Folklore: Mercatante, 182]carnelianbrings luck; drives away evil. [Gem Symbolism: Kunz, 62–63]crossed fingerssaid to bring good luck to a person. [Western Folklore: Misc.]four-leafclover indicates good luck. [Plant Symbolism: Jobes, 350]gypsumin egg shaped form, brings good fortune. [Gem Symbolism: Kunz, 80]horseshoeprotective talisman placed over doors of churches, stables, etc. [Western Folklore: Leach, 505 ]Irish sweepstakesonly lucky people win this famous lottery. [Irish Hist.: NCE, 1614]knock on woodto bring good luck and ward off bad luck. [Am. Folklore: Misc.]moonstonesacred stone; brings good fortune. [Gem Symbolism: Kunz, 97–98]new pennyplacing new penny in gift of purse brings recipient good luck. [Western Folklore: Misc.]pennyfinding one by chance in street brings good luck. [Western Folklore: Misc.]penny loaferplacing penny in slot at top of shoe brings good fortune. [Am. Folklore: Misc.]Polycratestyrant of Samos, known and feared for his proverbial good luck, though it is not permanent. [Gk. Hist.: Benét, 801]rabbit’s footproverbial good luck charm. [Western Folklore: Misc.]redlife-granting color; worn by brides and babies. [Asian Color Symbolism: Binder, 78]sevensymbolizes good luck in ancient and modern societies. [World Culture: Jobes, 1421–1422]seventh sonalways a lucky or gifted person. [Western Folklore: Leach, 999]swastikaancient sign of good luck, often in the form of a charm or talisman. [Asiatic Culture: Brewer Dictionary, 1051]threesymbolizes good luck; most holy of all numbers. [World Culture: Jobes, 1563–1566]Three Princes of Serendipadventures of three Ceylonese princes who continually discover things they are not looking for. [Persian Lit.: Benét, 915]white on redsymbolizes good fortune. [Chinese Art: Jobes, 357] |