Apple Attachment Unit Interface
Apple Attachment Unit Interface
(hardware, networking)The pin-out is:
Pin Signal Name Signal Description---- -------------- ---------------------------------1 FN Pwr Power (+12V @ 2.1W or +5V @ 1.9W)2 DI-A Data In circuit A3 DI-B Data In circuit B4 VCC Voltage Common5 CI-A Control In circuit A6 CI-B Control In circuit B7 +5V +5 volts (from host)8 +5V Secondary +5 volts (from host)9 DO-A Data Out circuit A10 DO-B Data Out circuit B11 VCC Secondary Voltage Common12 NC Reserved13 NC Reserved14 FN Pwr Secondary +12V @ 2.1W or +5V @ 1.9WShell Protective Gnd Protective Ground
AAUI signals have the same description, function, andelectrical requirements as the AUI signals of the same name,as detailed in IEEE 802.3-1990 CSMA/CD Standard, section 7.