

单词 mark out

mark out

Verb1.mark out - set boundaries to and delimit; "mark out the territory"mark offconfine, limit, throttle, trammel, restrain, restrict, bound - place limits on (extent or access); "restrict the use of this parking lot"; "limit the time you can spend with your friends"


noun1. The visible effect made on a surface by pressure:impress, impression, imprint, indent, indentation, print, stamp.2. Something visible or evident that gives grounds for believing in the existence or presence of something else:badge, evidence, index, indication, indicator, manifestation, note, sign, signification, stamp, symptom, token, witness.3. A name or other device placed on merchandise to signify its ownership or manufacture:brand, colophon, label, trademark.4. A distinctive element:attribute, character, characteristic, feature, peculiarity, property, quality, savor, trait.5. A means by which individuals are compared and judged:benchmark, criterion, gauge, measure, standard, test, touchstone, yardstick.6. A position of exalted widely recognized importance:distinction, eminence, eminency, fame, glory, illustriousness, luster, notability, note, preeminence, prestige, prominence, prominency, renown.7. The act of noting, observing, or taking into account:attention, cognizance, espial, heed, note, notice, observance, observation, regard, remark.8. One that is fired at, attacked, or abused:butt, target.9. What one intends to do or achieve:aim, ambition, design, end, goal, intent, intention, meaning, object, objective, point, purpose, target, view, why.Idioms: end in view, why and wherefore.10. Slang. A person who is easily deceived or victimized:butt, dupe, fool, gull, lamb, pushover, victim.Informal: sucker.Slang: fall guy, gudgeon, monkey, patsy, pigeon, sap.Chiefly British: mug.verb1. To make known or identify, as by signs:denote, designate, indicate, point out, show, specify.2. To give a precise indication of, as on a register or scale:indicate, read, record, register, show.3. To make a target of:target.Idiom: draw a bead on.4. To give grounds for believing in the existence or presence of:argue, attest, bespeak, betoken, indicate, point to, testify, witness.5. To make noticeable or different:characterize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, individualize, set apart, signalize, singularize.6. To fix the limits of.Off or out:bound, delimit, delimitate, demarcate, determine, limit, measure.7. To set off by or as if by a mark indicating ownership or manufacture:brand, identify, label, tag, trademark.8. To attach a ticket to:label, tag, ticket.9. To evaluate and assign a grade to:grade, score.10. To perceive with a special effort of the senses or the mind:descry, detect, discern, distinguish, mind, note, notice, observe, remark, see.phrasal verb
mark downTo become or make less in price or value:cheapen, depreciate, depress, devaluate, devalue, downgrade, lower, reduce, write down.


(maːk) noun1. (also Deutsche Mark, ~Deutschmark (ˈdoitʃmaːk) ) the standard unit of German currency before the euro. 馬克(德國在改採歐元前的舊貨幣) 马克(德国的旧货币) 2. a point given as a reward for good work etc. She got good marks in the exam. 分數(指成績) 分数(指成绩) 3. a stain. That spilt coffee has left a mark on the carpet. 污點 污点4. a sign used as a guide to position etc. There's a mark on the map showing where the church is. 標記 标记5. a cross or other sign used instead of a signature. He couldn't sign his name, so he made his mark instead. 畫押,記號 画押,记号 6. an indication or sign of a particular thing. a mark of respect. 表示,跡象 标签,符号 verb1. to put a mark or stain on, or to become marked or stained. Every pupil's coat must be marked with his name; That coffee has marked the tablecloth; This white material marks easily. 標上,弄污,留下標記,留下污點 标出,弄污,做标记,作记号,留下痕迹 2. to give marks to (a piece of work). I have forty exam-papers to mark tonight. 打分數 打分数3. to show; to be a sign of. X marks the spot where the treasure is buried. 指出,有…跡象 指明,是…的迹象 4. to note. Mark it down in your notebook. 記下 记下5. (in football etc) to keep close to (an opponent) so as to prevent his getting the ball. Your job is to mark the centre-forward. (足球)釘人防守 (足球)钉人防守,钉住(对手) marked adjective obvious or easily noticeable. There has been a marked improvement in her work. 顯著的 显著的ˈmarkedly (-kid-) adverb noticeably. It's markedly easier to do it by this method. 顯著地 显著地ˈmarker noun1. a person who marks eg the score at games. 記分員 记分员2. something used for marking, eg in scoring, showing the position of something etc. The area is indicated by large green markers. 標記物 标志物3. a type of pen, usually with a thick point. 馬克筆 记号笔ˈmarksman (ˈmaːks-) plural ˈmarksmen noun a person who shoots well. The police marksman did not kill the criminal – he wounded him in the leg to prevent him escaping. 神槍手 神枪手ˈmarksmanship noun a person's skill as a marksman. 槍法 枪法leave/make one's mark to make a permanent or strong impression. The horrors of the war have left their mark on the children. 留下永不磨滅的影響,留下深刻的影響 留下深刻的影响mark out1. to mark the boundary of (eg a football pitch) by making lines etc. The pitch was marked out with white lines. 劃出界線 划出(界线、范围) 2. to select or choose for some particular purpose etc in the future. He had been marked out for an army career from early childhood. 規劃 规划mark time to move the feet up and down as if marching, but without going forward. He's only marking time in this job till he gets a better one. 原地踏步,靜待時機 原地踏步

mark out

mark (something) out

To draw, establish, or otherwise indicate the boundary of some region or area. We went through with the architect and marked out exactly where our property ended and the neighbors' property began. Please mark out the area you intend to excavate.See also: mark, out

mark out

v. To establish explicitly the outline, boundary, or shape of some region or thing, by or as if by drawing lines or points around it: We marked out the territory we wanted to explore on the map. Let's mark out the boundaries of the new garden.See also: mark, out

mark out

mark out

In carpentry, to lay out the lines where cuts are to be made.

mark out

  • verb

Synonyms for mark out

verb set boundaries to and delimit


  • mark off

Related Words

  • confine
  • limit
  • throttle
  • trammel
  • restrain
  • restrict
  • bound




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