

suff.1. Way; path: electrode.2. Electrode: dynode.
[Greek -odos, from hodos. Sense 2, from (an)ode, (cath)ode, (electr)ode, etc.]


n combining form denoting resemblance: nematode. [from Greek -ōdēs, from eidos shape, form]


n combining form denoting a path or way: electrode. [from Greek -odos, from hodos a way]



n. a lyric poem, typically with an irregular metrical form and expressing exalted or enthusiastic emotion. [1580–90; < Middle French < Late Latin ōda < Greek aoidḗ song, derivative of aeídein to sing] od′ic, adj.


, a suffix appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “like,” “having the nature of”; used to form nouns: phyllode. Compare -oid. [< Greek -ōdēs]


, a combining form meaning “way,” “path,” used esp. in the names of devices through which electrical current passes: electrode. [< Greek -odos, comb. form of hodós]