释义 |
alveololingual al·ve·o·lo·lin·gual (al-vē'ō-lō-ling'gwăl), Relating to the lingual (inner) surface of the alveolar process of the lower jaw. Synonym(s): alveolingualal·ve·o·lo·lin·gual (al-vē'ŏ-lō-ling'gwăl) Relating to the lingual (inner) surface of the alveolar process of the lower jaw. Synonym(s): alveolingual. alveololingual (al-vē″ŏ-lō-ling′gwăl) [ alveoli- + lingual] Pert. to the alveolar process and tongue. al·ve·o·lo·lin·gual (al-vē'ŏ-lō-ling'gwăl) Re-lating to the lingual (inner) surface of the alveolar process of the lower jaw. Synonym(s): alveolingual. |