Monumenta Germaniae Historica MGH
Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH)
a multiseries publication of sources on the history of Germany from A.D. 500 to 1500. The Society for Earlier German History, founded in 1819 by G. F. K. Stein, began the publication in 1826. From 1823 to 1873, G. Pertz edited the publication. In 1875 the head office of the MGH was created. Since 1946 a special institute called MGH: German Institute for the Study of the Middle Ages (with the head office in Munich since 1948) has been in charge of the publication. There are branches of the MGH under the Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic and the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna.
The Monumenta consists of five basic series: Historical Writers (Scriptores, abbr. SS), Laws (Leges, LL), Official Documents of Kings and Emperors (Diplomata, DD), Letters (Epistolae, Epp), and Antiquities (Antiquitates, A A). In the course of the project a number of supplements have appeared, as well as new editions, including abridgments for teaching purposes (Geschichtschreiber der deutschen Vorzeit, vols. 1–103, 1847–1959). Major scholars (G. Waitz, W. Wattenbach) have worked for the publication.