

单词 ltp



Abbreviation for laser trabeculoplasty.


LTPLast Time Played (songs)
LTPLong Term Potentiation
LTPLocal Transport Plan
LTPLooking to Purchase
LTPLiturgy Training Publications
LTPLocal Trigger Processor
LTPLong Term Predictor
LTPLuminance Transient Processing
LTPLey de Transferencia de Precios (Spanish: Price Transfer Law; Peru)
LTPLong Term Prediction
LTPLast Traded Price
LTPLipid Technologies Provider (Sweden)
LTPLearn to Play
LTPLinux Test Project
LTPLong Term Plan
LTPLipid Transfer Protein (genetics)
LTPLong-Term Predictor
LTPLess Than Perfect (TV show)
LTPLearning Technologies Project (NASA)
LTPLicense Termination Plan
LTPLunar Transient Phenomena
LTPLong Term Performance
LTPLong Term Potential
LTPLicklider Transmission Protocol
LTPLong-Term Policy
LTPLast Take Point (engineering)
LTPLong Trace Profiler
LTPLatest Takes Precedence (stage lighting)
LTPLeave Transfer Program
LTPLight Transmitting Panel (roofs)
LTPLanding Threshold Point (aviation)
LTPLambda Theta Phi (fraternity)
LTPLand Treatment Plan (agriculture)
LTPLoad Transfer Platform (engineering)
LTPLand Trust Program (Redlands Conservancy; California)
LTPLaboratoire de Technologie des Poudres (French: Powder Technology Laboratory; Switzerland)
LTPLink Test Pulse (network/switch speed auto-negotiation)
LTPLower Trip Point
LTPLong Term Play
LTPLiving Together Partner
LTPLaw of Total Probability
LTPLinear Transportation Problem
LTPLine Test Position
LTPLine Trunk Peripheral
LTPLink Termination Point
LTPliquid transfer pump
LTPLupong Tagapagpaganap ng Pook
LTPLikes to Party
LTPLocal Tangent Plane Coordinate System
LTPLocal Test Port
LTPLogical Thought Process
LTPLockout/Tagout Permit
LTPLeader/Leadership Training Plan/Program
LTPLarvik Tur Produksjon (Norwegian: Larvik Tour Production)
LTPLine Throwing Projectile
LTPLaboratorium voor Toegepaste Psychologie (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
LTPLicensed Tax Practitioner (Oregon)
LTPLink Trunk Protocol
LTPLocalization Test Plan




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