释义 |
opsomania (ˌɒpsəˈmeɪnɪə) n (Psychology) an extreme enthusiasm for a particular foodopsomaniaa mania for special kinds of food. Cf. phagomania, sitomania.See also: Manias a mania for special kinds of food. See also phagomania, sitomania.See also: Food and Nutritionopsomania
op·so·ma·ni·a (op'sō-mā'nē-ă), A rarely used term for a longing for a particular article of diet, or for highly seasoned food. [G. opson, seasoning, + mania, frenzy] op·so·ma·ni·a (op'sō-mā'nē-ă) A longing for a particular article of diet, or for highly seasoned food. [G. opson, seasoning, + mania, frenzy]opsomania (ŏp″sō-mā′nē-ă) [Gr. opson, food, + mania, madness] Craving for some special type of food. |