Minidoka Internment National Monument
See also: National Parks and Monuments (table)National Parks and Monuments
National Parks
Name Type1 Location Year authorized Size
acres (hectares)
Acadia NP SE Maine 1919 48,419 (19,603) Mountain and coast scenery.
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Minidoka Internment National Monument:
see National Parks and MonumentsNational Parks and MonumentsNational Parks
Name Type1 Location Year authorized Size
acres (hectares)
Acadia NP SE Maine 1919 48,419 (19,603) Mountain and coast scenery.
..... Click the link for more information. (table).
Minidoka Internment National Monument
Hagerman, ID 83332
Size: 73 acres.
Established: Authorized on January 17, 2001.
Location:In south-central Idaho, 17 miles northeast of Twin Falls and 21 miles East of Jerome.
Facilities:No visitor information at the monument. There is a display located at Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument Visitor Center that includes historic and modern pictures, information, and brochures.
Activities:Self-guided walk.
Special Features:Park commemorates the hardships and sacrifices of Japanese Americans interned there during World War II. Also known as the 'Hunt Camp', the Minidoka Relocation Center was a 33,000-acre site with more than 600 buildings and a total population of about 13,000 internees held from Washington, Oregon, and Alaska. It was in operation from August 1942 until October 1945 and constituted the seventh largest city in Idaho while it wasoperational. Most of the site's buildings and structures of the original camp have been removed. The site includes the remains of the entry guardstation, waiting room, ornamental rock garden and commemorativeplaques.
See other parks in Idaho.