Acronym | Definition |
KTP➣Kittery Trading Post (Kittery, ME) |
KTP➣Knowledge Transfer Partnership |
KTP➣Knowledge Transfer Programme |
KTP➣Potassium Titanyl Phosphate |
KTP➣Kartu Tanda Penduduk (Indonesian ID card) |
KTP➣Knowledge-to-Practice (various organizations) |
KTP➣Kaj Tiel Plu (Esperanto: Et Cetera) |
KTP➣Keeping the Promise |
KTP➣KTiOPO4 (Potassium Titanyl Phosphate) |
KTP➣Kissing The Pink (80s pop band) |
KTP➣Institut für Kunststofftechnik (Institute of Plastics Engineering, Universität Paderborn) |
KTP➣Knowledge Translation Program |
KTP➣Knight Templar Priests |
KTP➣Kill the President |
KTP➣Kindergarten Transition Program |
KTP➣Kidney Transplant Patient (anatomy) |
KTP➣Keep the Practice |