Acronym | Definition |
LSP➣Label Switched Path |
LSP➣Local Strategic Partnership |
LSP➣Light Switch Plate |
LSP➣Louisiana State Police |
LSP➣Layered Service Provider |
LSP➣Limited Series Production (various companies) |
LSP➣Lumpy Space Princess (Adventure Time TV show) |
LSP➣Larval Stage Planning (music group; Japan) |
LSP➣Link State Protocol |
LSP➣Language Service Provider |
LSP➣Local Service Provider (Telephony) |
LSP➣Lok Satta Party (India) |
LSP➣Lightest Supersymmetric Particle |
LSP➣Liskov Substitution Principle |
LSP➣Long Shot Party (band) |
LSP➣Label Switch Path |
LSP➣Low Speed Protocol |
LSP➣Local Service Provider |
LSP➣Link State Packet |
LSP➣Limited Service Provider |
LSP➣License Service Provider |
LSP➣Low Speed Port |
LSP➣Lan Support Program |
LSP➣Logical Standby Coordinator Process |
LSP➣Line Surge Protection |
LSP➣Local Support Partner |
LSP➣Line Spectrum Pairs |
LSP➣Local Security Policy |
LSP➣Library Statistics Program |
LSP➣Link State PDU (SIF) |
LSP➣Link State Packet (Novell) |
LSP➣Life Skills Profile (psychiatric test) |
LSP➣Licensing Solution Provider (software) |
LSP➣Language for Special Purposes (terminology) |
LSP➣Logistics Service Provider |
LSP➣Large Scale Pilot |
LSP➣Licensed Site Professional |
LSP➣Language for Specific Purposes (Conference) |
LSP➣Life Science Park (Japan) |
LSP➣Livestock and Seed Program (USDA) |
LSP➣Licensed Safety Professional (various organizations) |
LSP➣Learning Support Programme (various locations) |
LSP➣Local Survivable Processor (Avaya) |
LSP➣Little Sisters of the Poor (religious order) |
LSP➣Long Service Payment (employment) |
LSP➣Linux Support Package |
LSP➣Linux Shell Programming (course; various organizations) |
LSP➣Least Significant Portion |
LSP➣Legal Studies Program (various schools) |
LSP➣Logistics Solution Provider (shipping) |
LSP➣Lyrikal Snuff Productions (music label) |
LSP➣Legal Services Plan |
LSP➣Latte Scremato in Polvere (Italian: Skimmed Milk Powder) |
LSP➣Laboratory Science Program |
LSP➣Laminar Soot Processes |
LSP➣Legal Support Personnel (New York) |
LSP➣Library Service Program (Kansas City, MO) |
LSP➣Lackawanna State Park (Pennsylvania) |
LSP➣Law and Society Program (various schools) |
LSP➣Leitsätze für die Preisermittlung |
LSP➣Lodging Success Program (US Army) |
LSP➣Lower Secondary Programme (University of Cambridge; UK and India) |
LSP➣Socialist Liberal Party (Egypt) |
LSP➣Land-Surface Parameterization |
LSP➣Logistics Support Plan |
LSP➣Lower School Principal |
LSP➣Las Piedras, Venezuela - Josefa Camejo (Airport Code) |
LSP➣Lone Star Pitbulls (football) |
LSP➣Large Scale Photography |
LSP➣Less Sensitive Person |
LSP➣LAN Support Program (IBM) |
LSP➣Location Service Provider |
LSP➣Lake Superior Place (Canada) |
LSP➣Latvijas Socialistiska Partija (Latvian Socialist Party) |
LSP➣Last Summer Productions |
LSP➣Limestone Powder (concrete) |
LSP➣Light Speed Pascal |
LSP➣Linear Spectral Pair (signal processing) |
LSP➣Last Seen Point (search & rescue) |
LSP➣Launch Sequence Plan |
LSP➣Loot Share Points (gaming; Runescape) |
LSP➣Laser Shock Peening/Processing |
LSP➣Laboratory Standards Project |
LSP➣Laboratory Support Processor |
LSP➣List Service Provider |
LSP➣Literature Sponsorship Program |
LSP➣Lookback Scenario Pattern |
LSP➣Lube & Scavenge Pump |
LSP➣Laboratory Suggestion Program |
LSP➣Light Stopping Particle |
LSP➣Link Stress Penalty |
LSP➣Low Shutdown Setpoint |
LSP➣Low Stock Point |
LSP➣Low Speed Protection (Tadiran) |
LSP➣Life Support Pallet |
LSP➣Leadership Systems Program (Sprint) |
LSP➣Linearly-Scaled Permutations |
LSP➣Layout Specific Package |
LSP➣Logistics Strategy Plan |