Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge

Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:3395 Rts 5/20 E
Seneca Falls, NY 13148

Established: 1938, as Montezuma Migratory Bird Refuge.
Location:Upstate New York, 35 miles west of Syracuse.
Facilities:Visitor center, nature trails, observation towers, auto tour route.
Activities:Hiking, hunting, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, educational programs.
Special Features:7,000 acres of the former marshes have been restored. Once again the area is attracting large flocks of waterfowl and many species of waterbirds each spring and fall.
Habitats: 7,068 acres of restored marsh, hardwood forest, and grassland.
Access: Open from dawn to dusk.
Wild life: Migratory waterfowl (Canada geese, snow geese, black ducks, mallards, and wood ducks) and shore birds (killdeer, yellowlegs, herons, and egrets), butterflies, red fox, white-tailed deer, and muskrats.

See other parks in New York.