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narrowband (ˈnærəʊˌbænd) n (Telecommunications) a limited-capacity transmission channel such as that used for transmitting telephone calls and faxes. Compare broadbandnarrowband
narrowband (networking)A communication channel with a low data rate.
The term is sometimes used for an Internet connection via adial-up modem, typically at 56 kbaud, in contrast tobroadband.narrowbandIn communications, transmission rates up to T1 speeds (1.544 Mbps). The upper limit is moving target. At one time, narrowband meant 150 bps (that is 150 bits per second!). Then, the upper limit became 2,400 bps. Later, it moved to 64 Kbps. Contrast with wideband and broadband.narrowband
nar·row·band (na'rō-band), A limited band of sound frequencies, as opposed to the wideband of frequencies also known as white noise; narrowband noise is used to mask hearing in the nontest ear in hearing measurement.nar·row·band (nar'rō-band') A limited band of sound frequencies, as opposed to the wideband of frequencies also known as white noise; used to mask hearing in the nontest ear in hearing measurement. narrowbandConsisting of a limited number of wavelengths or frequencies. Narrowband ultraviolet B radiation, for example, consists of radiation measuring approximately 311 nm; broadband ultraviolet light, by contrast, has a range of wavelengths between 295 and 320 nm. FinancialSeeBroadbandThesaurusSeebroadband |