Bedzhyzaty, Chermen Davidovich

Bedzhyzaty, Chermen Davidovich


Born 1898, in the village of Edis, South Ossetia; died 1937. Ossetian Soviet writer. Member of the CPSU from 1918.

Bedzhyzaty studied in the Tiflis Theological Seminary from 1914 to 1917; he also began his literary activity there. During the Civil War he participated in the partisan movement in South Ossetia. His verses appeared in print in 1920. During the 1920’s he published short stories, sketches, and verses in periodicals. His collection of verse With Drawn Saber appeared in 1933. Bedzhyzaty wrote dramas on up-to-date themes of Soviet reality (Who Gets the Upper Hand? and The Banner Waves), the novella The Wolves (1934) about the class struggle in the countryside, and the novella in short-story form The Towers Speak (1934) about the heroic past of the Ossetian people.


Ävzärst uatsmïstä. Staliniri, 1958.


Dzutstatï, X. M. Bedzhïzat’i Chermenïsfäldïstad. Tskhinvali, 1964.
Dzhusoity, N. “Chermen Bedzhizety.” In Ocherk istorii osetinskoi sovetskoi literatury. Ordzhonikidze, 1967.