

单词 ops



abbr. Baseball on-base (percentage) plus slugging (percentage)


(ɒps) n (Classical Myth & Legend) the Roman goddess of abundance and fertility, wife of Saturn. Greek counterpart: Rhea



n. the Roman goddess of plenty and the wife of Saturn.
Noun1.Ops - (Roman mythology) goddess of abundance and fertility; wife of Saturn; counterpart of Greek Rhea and Cybele of ancient Asia MinorRoman mythology - the mythology of the ancient Romans



(ŏps), in Roman religion, goddess of harvests. She was the wife of Saturn, by whom she bore Jupiter and Juno. At her festivals, the Opiconsivia and the Opalia, held in August and December, respectively, she was worshiped as a goddess of sowing and reaping and was associated with Consus, god of crops. She was later identified with the Greek RheaRhea,
in Greek religion and mythology, a Titan. She was the wife and sister of Kronos, by whom she bore Zeus, Poseidon, Pluto, Hestia, Hera, and Demeter. She eventually helped Zeus overthrow Kronos.
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Sabine goddess of fecundity. [Rom. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 782]See: Fertility


(simulation)On-line Process Synthesizer.


(language)Official Production System.


(database)Oracle Parallel Server.


(1) (Open Publication Structure) See EPUB.

(2) (Open Profiling Standard) A specification for sharing data and ensuring privacy of a user's data. The OPS provides a standard way of identifying which data can be transferred from the user to a website and how it can and cannot be used. See ICE.


OPSOptions (stock)
OPSOmaha Public Schools
OPSOntario Public Service (Canada)
OPSOrganización Panamericana de la Salud (Pan American Health Organization)
OPSOPSEC (Operations Security) Professionals Society
OPSOffice of Pipeline Safety (US DoT)
OPSOptional Pension Scheme (various organizations)
OPSOffice of Public Safety
OPSOffice of the Press Secretary (Philippines)
OPSOperational Planning System (US FEMA)
OPSOld Pension Scheme (India)
OPSOracle Parallel Server
OPSOperations Squadron
OPSOccasional Papers Series
OPSOffentlig Privat Samarbeid (Norwegian: Public Private Partnership)
OPSOpetussuunnitelma (Finnish: curriculum)
OPSOne Point Sling
OPSOccupant Protection System (vehicles)
OPSOffice of Pharmaceutical Science (US FDA)
OPSOn-Base Percentage + Slugging Percentage (baseball)
OPSOffice of Program Support (various organizations)
OPSOffice of Prosecution Services (Alabama)
OPSOffice of Procurement Services (various locations)
OPSOwensboro Public Schools (Owensboro, KY)
OPSOperations Per Second
OPSOpen Publication Structure (e-books)
OPSOptical Sensor
OPSObject Protective Structure (various locations)
OPSOutput Switch
OPSOperations Provisioning System
OPSOpen Public Service
OPSOpen Portal Systems
OPSOpen Participation Software
OPSOffice Profile Settings
OPSOptical Picture Stabilisation
OPSOnline Printing Service
OPSOperating System
OPSOnline Profile System
OPSOcracoke Preservation Society (North Carolina)
OPSOttawa Police Service (Ontario, Canada)
OPSOil Purification System
OPSOffice of Professional Standards
OPSOffice Printing Solutions (various companies)
OPSOperator Status (IRC)
OPSOperator Services
OPSOffice Product Solutions (various companies)
OPSOffice of Operations Coordination and Planning (US DHS)
OPSOutpatient Psychiatric Service
OPSOther Personal Services
OPSOil Pressure Switch
OPSOptical Picture Stabilization (cameras)
OPSOpen Profiling Standard
OPSOriented Polystyrene
OPSOther Personnel Services
OPSOffice of Postsecondary Services (Michigan)
OPSOptical Packet Switching
OPSDivision of Oil and Public Safety (Colorado)
OPSOrder Processing System (Sprint)
OPSOrthogonal Polarization Spectral (microscopy)
OPSOperationen- und Prozedurenschlüssel (German equivalent of the US Procedure Coding System)
OPSOphthalmic Photographers' Society
OPSObjective Pain Scale
OPSOperation Purple Sky
OPSOffice of Postdoctoral Services (various schools)
OPSOntario Public Sector
OPSOptically Pumped Semiconductor
OPSOptimized Print Services (Konica Minolta)
OPSOffice of Price Stabilization (US government)
OPSOntario Provincial Standards
OPSOxygen Purge System (space program)
OPSOferta Pública de Suscripción (de Acciones) (Spanish: Initial Public Offering)
OPSOff-Premise Station
OPSOffice of Personnel Security
OPSOptions for Personal Security
OPSOperations Shelter
OPSOperational Cash Flow per Share (method for analyzing stocks)
OPSOxidized Porous Silicon (substrate)
OPSOptical Position Sensor
OPSOrganic Photo Conductor
OPSOsteoporosis-Pseudoglioma Syndrome
OPSOperational Program Software (flight management)
OPSOnline Premium Services
OPSOpen Profiling System (W3C)
OPSOverpressure Protection System
OPSOutside Professional Services
OPSOperational Project Stocks
OPSOPTera Packet Solution (Nortel Networks)
OPSOperations Process System (Bellcore)
OPSOnline Promotion System
OPSOrbital Prosthetic Supplies (Crawley, West Sussex, UK)
OPSOperating Subsystem
OPSOrgan Placement Specialist
OPSOperator Position Subsystem
OPSOptical Pulse Simulation
OPSOne-way Paging Service
OPSOperations Provisionable System (AT&T)
OPSOperations Productivity System


  • noun

Words related to Ops

noun (Roman mythology) goddess of abundance and fertility

Related Words

  • Roman mythology




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