

单词 lsm



Abbrev. for Licentiate of the School of Medicine.


LSMLembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (Indonesian: Non-Governmental Organization)
LSMLinux Software Map
LSMLiving Stream Ministry
LSMLinux Security Module
LSMLouisiana State Museum
LSMLa Scena Musicale (French: The Music Scence; classical music)
LSMLittle Sex Machine
LSMLiver Stiffness Measurement
LSMLanding Ship Medium (US Navy)
LSMLibre Software Meeting (France)
LSMLeast Square Method (mathematics)
LSMLaser Scanning Microscopy
LSMLayered Semantic Markup
LSMLaser Scanning Microscope
LSMLogin Server Module
LSMLinear Select Memory
LSMLocal Switching Module
LSMLantern Services Manager
LSMLogical Storage Manager
LSMLocal Session Manager
LSMLight Speed Memory
LSMLogical Send Macro
LSMList Selection Model
LSMLocal Socket Modules
LSMLight Scanning Macrography
LSMLegato Storage Manager
LSMLand-Surface Model
LSMLife Sciences and Management (University of Pennsylvania)
LSMLourdes School of Mandaluyong (Philippines)
LSMLutheran Student Movement
LSMLogical Storage Manager (Compact)
LSMLinear Synchronous Motor
LSMLaboratory Safety Manual (various schools)
LSMLocal Store Marketing
LSMLow Serum Medium
LSMLarge Scale Manufacturing
LSMLiving Standards Measure (South Africa)
LSMLocal Sales Manager
LSMLong-Stick Midfielder (lacrosse)
LSMMedium Landing Ship
LSMLive Slow Motion
LSMLocal Service Management
LSMLaboratoire Souterrain de Modane
LSMLanthanum Strontium Manganite (oxide with electronic condcuting properties)
LSMLame Stream Media
LSMLetter Sorting Machine (Postal)
LSMLeisure and Sport Management (various schools)
LSMLibrary Storage Module
LSMLegacy System Migration (SAP tool for accelerating the transfer of data)
LSMLibrary Service Manager
LSMLife Safety Manager (software)
LSMLife Science Module (various locations)
LSMLong Service Medal
LSMLarge Scale Manager
LSMLeft-Stream Media
LSMLeica Screw Mount
LSMLunar Surface Magnetometer
LSMLinear Simulcast Modulation
LSMLattice Solid Model
LSMLittoral Sea Mine (US Navy)
LSMLitera Scripta Manet, Ltd. (Russian educational tours)
LSMLink Status Meter
LSMLength Subnet Masking (computing)
LSMLayered Synthetic Microstructure
LSMLife Style Management
LSMLast Sunday in March (Daylight Savings Time)
LSMLewis Mills High School (Burlington, CT)
LSMLine Switch Module
LSMLeast Squares Measurement
LSMLinux Server Management
LSMLocation Services Module (Nextone)
LSMLongitudinal Section Magnetic Mode
LSMLayered Scope Model (for XML and Web Services)
LSMLaunch Service Manager (NASA)
LSMLine Spring Model
LSMLine Service Module (Pirelli)
LSMLocal System Model
LSMLoader Select Modification
LSMLinear Shift Map
LSMLikelihood Separation Metric
LSMLakeside & Marblehead Railroad
LSMLogistics System Manager
LSMLong, Slow Message
LSMLine Services Modem (Pirelli)
LSMLogistic Storage Module
LSMLimited Short Messaging Protocol
LSMLogistics Support Management/Manager
LSMLocal State Manager
LSMLisburn School of Music (UK)
LSMLethality, Survivability, Mobility (US Army)
LSMLesotho Maluti (currency)
LSMLocated Survey Marker (US NPS)




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