Monterey Style

Monterey Style

An architectural style found in the southwest United States, especially California, that combines Spanish Colonial and Greek Revival style features; includes adobe or stucco stone walls, pitched roofs with shingles or clay tiles, Greek Revival wood trim at doors and windows, and cantilevered second-story porches.

Monterey style, Monterey Revival

Monterey style An architectural style that came into existence in Monterey, California, between about 1835 and 1840; typically, a two-story house with a full-façade balcony supported by plain wood posts and enclosed by wood railings. A modified version of this style was revived from about 1920 to 1960, combining Spanish Colonial architecture with some elements of early New England colonial architecture; in this 20th-century version, the balcony is typically cantilevered rather than supported by wood columns from ground level, as in the earlier Monterey style. Nineteenth-century houses in this style usually were characterized by: thick whitewashed adobe walls; a