Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Parks Directory of the United States / Marine SanctuariesAddress:299 Foam St
Monterey, CA 93940

Location:The waters of Monterey Bay and the Pacific Ocean, just off the coast of central California.
Activities:Kayaking, sailing, fishing, surfing, diving, whale watching, and wildlife observation excursions.
Special Features:Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary is a migration corridor for 4 species of sea turtles, 26 species of marine mammals, 94 species ofseabirds, 345 species of fish, and 450+ species of algae. The underwater canyon in sanctuary waters is 10,663 feet deep (more than 2 miles), deeper than the Grand Canyon. Description:Description: The Sanctuary stretches from Marin to Cambria, encompassing a shoreline length of 276 miles and 5,322 square miles of ocean. The shoreline boundary is mean high tide and the seaward boundary is 35 miles offshore. Common Species: Sea otter, seal, sea lion, gray whale, humpback whale, blue whale, king salmon, brown pelican, market squid, and rockfish. Environmental Issues: Effects of the disposal of dredge material, pollution, fishing and vessel traffic on water quality and living resources. Habitats: Kelp forests, coastal lagoons, open ocean, wetlands, sandy beaches, and rocky shores. Access: A 350-mile stretch of Highway 1 travels along the landward edge of the sanctuary and provides visitors with numerous access points. There are 25 public beaches and parks, 16 campgrounds, 17 wildlife areas, and more than 12 museums, aquariums, and research stations which make the sanctuary easily accessible.
Year Designated: 1992.

See other parks in California.