Acronym | Definition |
LSF➣Linear Spectral Frequency (signal processing) |
LSF➣Langue des Signes Française (French Sign Language) |
LSF➣Lightweight Steel Framing |
LSF➣Lamp Survival Factor (lighting) |
LSF➣Load Sharing Facility |
LSF➣Lehre Studium Forschung (German: Teaching Education Research) |
LSF➣Lime Saturation Factor (raw materials) |
LSF➣Linux Socket Filter |
LSF➣Line Switch Frame |
LSF➣Library System File |
LSF➣Label Style File |
LSF➣Leased from |
LSF➣Line Spread Function |
LSF➣Lost Souls Forever |
LSF➣Learning for a Sustainable Future (est. 1991; Canada) |
LSF➣Les Savy Fav (band) |
LSF➣Low Smoke and Fume |
LSF➣Large-Scale Flow |
LSF➣Law Society Finals (UK) |
LSF➣Lanka Software Foundation (Sri Lanka) |
LSF➣Lyme sans Frontière (French: Lyme Disease without Border) |
LSF➣Luxembourg School of Finance (Luxembourg University) |
LSF➣Late SV40 Factor (mammalian transcription) |
LSF➣Liberty Security Force (gaming) |
LSF➣Linux Socket Filtering |
LSF➣Least Slack First |
LSF➣Libros sin Fronteras (Spanish: Books without Frontiers; Olympia, WA) |
LSF➣Lutheran Services of Florida |
LSF➣Light Strike Force (Singapore Police) |
LSF➣Laser-Saturated Fluorescence |
LSF➣Logistics Support Facility |
LSF➣Least Significant First (byte order) |
LSF➣Lost Strike Force (gaming clan) |
LSF➣Local Service Freeze |
LSF➣Linear State Feedback |
LSF➣Least Significant Figure |
LSF➣Longest Segment First |
LSF➣Life Sciences Facility |
LSF➣Lloyd Special Forces |
LSF➣Low-Stop Filter |
LSF➣Least Squares Fusion |
LSF➣Lesser Sciatic Foramen |
LSF➣Lower Support Frame |
LSF➣Line-Supervision Frame |
LSF➣Lone Star Football |