

(lēkä`tä), city (1991 pop. 41,300), S Sicily, Italy, on the Mediterranean Sea at the mouth of the Salso River. Licata is a seaport, seaside resort, and commercial and industrial center. Sulfur and asphalt are shipped through its port. It was founded in the early 3d cent. B.C. as a refuge for the inhabitants of GelaGela
, city (1991 pop. 61,319), S Sicily, Italy, on the Mediterranean Sea. It is a port, industrial center, and seaside resort. Petrochemicals are produced nearby, and petroleum is refined in the city. Much cotton is grown in Gela's hinterland. The city was founded c.688 B.C.
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 after that city's destruction and was called Phintias after the tyrant of Acragas. Off nearby Cape Economus (now Poggio di Sant' Angelo), the Roman consul Regulus won (256 B.C.) a decisive battle in the first of the Punic WarsPunic Wars,
three distinct conflicts between Carthage and Rome. When they began, Rome had nearly completed the conquest of Italy, while Carthage controlled NW Africa and the islands and the commerce of the W Mediterranean.
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