Library of Kazan Students

Library of Kazan Students


founded by students who moved during the second half of the 1850’s from the University of Kazan to Moscow University. This library was directed by the student A. F. Makkaveev. It subscribed to progressive journals and purchased works by N. G. Chernyshevskii, P. J. Proudhon, L. Blanc, and others. In 1859 under cover of this library a secret political circle was formed (over 50 persons). It also included several officers. This circle was led by the students Iu. M. Mosolov and N. M. Shatilov. In 1862 the circle merged with the Land and Freedom Society and constituted part of its Moscow section. It maintained ties with the St. Petersburg center and with other organizations of Land and Freedom (in Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, and other cities). Several members of the circle were arrested in 1863 and were prosecuted.