Library Bibliographical Classification
Library Bibliographical Classification
the first Soviet classification, intended for universal and specialized scholarly libraries. It was developed by the Lenin State Library of the USSR, the Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library, the Library of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and the AU-Union Book Chamber, with the participation of 800 scholars. It was published between 1960 and 1968 in 25 issues (30 vols.). The Library Bibliographical Classification is based on the methodological principles of Marxism-Leninism. It is universal in its treatment of subject and reflects the current state of science, technology, and culture. It is a hierarchical classification. It contains 100,000 headings and consists of basic and standardized tables. The combination of these tables allows for the formation of an enormous number of concepts. The indexing is logical, alphabetical, and numerical, based on the Russian alphabet and arabic numerals; there is also an alphabetical subject index. Abbreviated and special variants of classification are now being developed for other types of libraries.
Bibliotechno-bibliograficheskaia klassifikatsiia: Tablitsy dlia nauchnykh bibliotek, issues 1–25. Moscow, 1960–68.Kondakov, I. P. “Sovetskaia bibliotechno-bibliograficheskaia klassifikatsiia.” In the collection Kniga, Isstedovaniia i materialy, collection 11. Moscow, 1965.
Teslenko, O. P. “Sovetskaia skhema bibliotechno-bibliograficheskoi klassifikatsii.” Sovetskaia bibliografiia, 1963, no. 2.