Mineral-Fertilizer Grinder
Mineral-Fertilizer Grinder
a machine for grinding and simultaneously screening caked mineral fertilizers before their application to the soil. Mineral-fertilizer grinders can also be used to mix several types of fertilizer. The primary parts of mineral-fertilizer grinders produced in the USSR are a working element with blades, a screen, a bin with a capacity of 0.5 cu m, and a conveyor. Mineral-fertilizer grinders are mounted on Belarus’ tractors. The working element is driven by the tractor’s power takeoff shaft. Caked fertilizers are piled into the bin by a loader. The revolving blades grind the fertilizer, which passes through the holes of the screen, falls onto the conveyor, and is dumped onto the pile being formed. The productivity of the mineral fertilizer grinder is 2–6 tons per hour.