Old Washington Historic State Park
Old Washington Historic State Park
Location:Exit 30 off I-30 at Hope, 9 miles northwest on US 278.
Facilities:Historic buildings, restaurant, group rental facilities (é).
Special Features:Established in 1824, Washington was an important stop on the SouthwestTrail for pioneers traveling to Texas. Later it became a majorservice center for area planters, merchants, and professionals, andfrom 1863-1865 it was the Confederate capital of Arkansas. The parkinterprets everyday life in Washington from 1824 to 1889, with the 1874Courthouse serving as the visitor center. Other restored structuresinclude an 1836 Courthouse, blacksmith shop, weapons museum, several residences, and an 1832 tavern/restaurant where Southerncountry fare is served daily for lunch. The park also houses theSouthwestArkansas Regional Archives, a resource center for historical andgenealogical research. Operated in conjunction with Pioneer WashingtonRestoration Foundation.
Address:PO Box 98
Washington, AR 71862
Web: www.oldwashingtonstatepark.com
Size: 90 acres.
See other parks in Arkansas.