Kring Point State Park

Kring Point State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New York
Location:Off Route 12, 6 miles east of Alexandria Bay.
Facilities:100 campsites (é)), showers (é), cabins (é), picnic areas (é),picnic pavilions (é), playground, beach, boat docks, boat launch.
Activities:Camping, boating (including power boats), fishing, swimming, cross-country skiing, waterfowl hunting (in season).
Special Features:Park occupies a narrow peninsula, with its south shore facing Goose Bayand its north shore facing the Saint Lawrence River. Visitors can seewater and many of the 1,700 islands for which the region is named fromanywhere in the park. The park is open from the last Friday in April toColumbus Day.
Address:25950 Kring Point Rd
Redwood, NY 13679

Size: 61 acres.

See other parks in New York.