Narcotic Plants
Narcotic Plants
plants containing substances that cause unusual excitation and subsequent depression of the central nervous system. Many narcotic plants contain substances that have medicinal properties and are used primarily as pain relievers. Alkaloids are the principal active constituents of narcotic plants. Many of these plants are highly toxic, and the drugs obtained from them cause narcomania when frequently used. Most narcotic plants are of the higher plant orders, the only exception being certain fungi.
The majority of species of narcotic plants are found in the tropics of South America, in North America, and in Central Asia. The narcotic plants include the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum), Indian hemp (Cannabis indica), the coca plant (Erythroxylon coca), jimsonweed (Datura stramonium), Datura innoxia, Physochlaina physaloides, and some other medicinal and toxic plants.