Liberian Fast and Prayer Day

Liberian Fast and Prayer Day

2nd Friday in AprilLiberians reserve Fast and Prayer Day for collective reflection and self-discipline. The observance of the day is not mandatory since the constitution provides for freedom of religion. Nonetheless, many believe this national observance is in keeping with the spiritual convictions of Liberia's founding fathers. As President W. V. S. Tubman stated in an address commemorating a national fast, the country was established on a "deep and well-founded belief and trust in God through prayer."
The day historically has been observed by Christians, as Liberian Muslims more commonly dedicate the Islamic month of Ramadan to fasting and prayer. While officially the observance spans only 24 hours, the time of fasting and prayer can extend to an entire week. In addition, certain circumstances may prompt a spiritual leader to call for a special week of prayer separate from the one that is held annually. In February 1966, under President Tubman's direction, the country prayed in accordance with the dying wishes of Reverend J. D. K. Baker of the Protestant Episcopal Church. His hope, according to Tubman, was for citizens to pray "for the peace, security and safety of the Liberian State and for the peace and brotherhood of mankind throughout the world."
Liberia Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT)
110 United Nations Dr.
P.O. Box 10-9021
Capitol Hill, 1000
Monrovia, Liberia
AnnivHol-2000, p. 71