

单词 lra



Abbreviation for:
Land Retained Agreement 
lateral right atrium
left renal artery
logistic regression analysis


LRALord's Resistance Army (rebel group in Uganda)
LRALouisiana Recovery Authority
LRALabour Relations Act (various locations)
LRALocal Redevelopment Authority (Section 2910, Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990, as amended)
LRALoudness Range (audio variation)
LRALocal Redevelopment Authority
LRALocal Registration Authority
LRALiteracy Research Association (Oak Creek, WI)
LRALocal Responsibility Area (various organizations)
LRALouisiana Restaurant Association
LRALocal Reuse Authority
LRALumped (Discrete) Raman Amplifier
LRALong Range Artillery
LRALow-Risk Adenoma (gastroenterology)
LRALess Restrictive Alternative
LRALinear Regression Analysis
LRALowry Redevelopment Authority (Aurora and Denver, Colorado)
LRALong-Range Aviation
LRALow-Range Radio Altimeter
LRALocked Rotor Amperage (compressors in air conditioning systems)
LRALoad Real Address (IBM)
LRALast Room Available (hotels)
LRALoughton Residents Association (UK)
LRALong Range Assignment (education)
LRALanding Rights Airport
LRALocal Reproduction Authorized
LRALength, Rotation, Angle
LRALandscape Reconstruction Algorithm
LRALong Range Attack
LRALive Rear Axle (automotive)
LRALow Rank Approximation
LRALine Replaceable Assembly
LRALamp Rynearson and Associates, Inc (Omaha, NE)
LRALauncher Relay Assembly
LRALight Replaceable Assembly
LRALowest Rate Available (hotel industry)
LRALogistics Readiness Assessment
LRALaunch Reference Altitude (missile testing)
LRALTE (Long Term Evolution) in Rural America (Verizon Wireless)
LRALitigation Risk Assessment
LRALogistics Review Activity
LRALowest Repairable/Replacement Assembly
LRALuciferase Reporter Gene Assays
LRALand Registry Authority




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