a genus of plants of the family Umbelliferae. The plants are usually large perennial or biennial herbs with bipinnate or tripinnate leaves. The involucres have many bracts, and the petals are white. The fruit has prominent ribs. There are approximately 20 species, which are distributed primarily in the temperate region of Eurasia. The USSR has 17 species, growing primarily along dry meadows, forest edges, slopes, and steppes. Libanotis intermedia is widely found in the European USSR and Siberia. In the form of hay and silage it is a good feed for cattle. L. transcaucasia grows in the Caucasus, and L. seseloides is encountered in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. The fruits of both species contain essential oils and can be used as spice. Plants of the genus Libanotis are frequently included in the genus Seseli.