Noble position

No·ble po·si·tion

(nō'bĕl), patient standing and bent slightly forward; useful for inspection of a swelling of the loin that may occur with pyelonephritis.

No·ble po·si·tion

(nō'bĕl pŏ-zish'ŏn) Patient stands, bent slightly forward; useful for inspection of swelling that may occur with pyelonephritis.

Noble position

(nō′bĕl) [Charles Percy Noble, U.S. physician, 1863–1935] A position in which the patient is standing, leaning forward, and supporting the upper body by bracing the arms against a wall or a chair. This position is useful in renal examinations.


Charles P., U.S. gynecologist, 1863-1935. Noble position - patient standing and bent slightly forward.